The Art of Mixing Resin: A Guide to Mastering the Perfect Blend

If you're an artist who loves experimenting with different mediums, chances are you've encountered the magical world of resin art. Resin has become a popular choice among creatives for its versatility, durability, and ability to create stunning, glossy finishes. However, working with resin can be a bit tricky, especially when it comes to mixing the components correctly. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the best practices for mixing resin, ensuring that your art projects turn out flawless every time.

Understanding Resin Basics

image of Teexpert epoxy resin

Before diving into the mixing process, it's essential to understand the fundamental components of resin. Most resins used for art projects are two-part systems, consisting of a resin and a hardener. When combined in the correct ratio, a chemical reaction occurs, transforming the liquid mixture into a solid, clear plastic-like material.

Different types of resins are available on the market, each with its unique characteristics and curing times. Some of the most common varieties include epoxy resin, polyurethane resin, and UV resin. Familiarising yourself with the specific properties of the resin you're using is crucial for achieving the desired results.

You can buy resin here

Preparing Your Workspace

image of stationery and tools neatly lined up

Proper workspace preparation is key to ensuring a smooth and successful resin mixing process. Start by gathering all the necessary materials, including the resin, hardener, mixing containers, stirring sticks, gloves, and any additional tools or materials you'll need for your project.

Choose a well-ventilated area with ample space to work, as resin can emit fumes during the mixing and curing process. Cover your work surface with a protective layer, such as a silicone mat or parchment paper, to prevent any accidental spills or drips from damaging the area.

Measuring Precisely

Image of measuring jugs

One of the most critical aspects of mixing resin is achieving the correct ratio between the resin and hardener components. Even a slight deviation from the recommended ratio can lead to issues with the curing process, affecting the final appearance and durability of your artwork.

Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions and carefully measure out the required amounts using precise measuring tools. Many resin kits come with graduated cups or syringes to help you measure accurately. If you're working with larger quantities, consider investing in a digital scale for precise weight measurements.

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Mixing Techniques

image of paint mixing in water

Once you've measured out the appropriate amounts of resin and hardener, it's time to start mixing. Begin by pouring both components into a clean, dry mixing container. Use a fresh stirring stick or a dedicated resin mixing tool to combine the two parts thoroughly.

It's essential to mix slowly and methodically, scraping the sides and bottom of the container to ensure that no unmixed portions remain. Depending on the resin type, you may need to mix for several minutes to achieve a consistent, streak-free blend.

Incorporating Colors and Additives


One of the beauties of working with resin is the ability to incorporate a wide range of colours, pigments, and additives to create unique and eye-catching effects. However, it's crucial to introduce these elements at the right stage of the mixing process to avoid compromising the integrity of the resin.

If you're using liquid or powder pigments, add them to the resin mixture after the resin and hardener have been thoroughly combined. For larger additives, such as glitters, dried flowers, or other embellishments, it's best to wait until after you've poured the resin into your mould or surface before sprinkling or arranging them.

Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the maximum amount of additives that can be safely incorporated without affecting the curing process or the resin's properties.

Read my blog on colouring resin

Eliminating Bubbles

image of many bubbles

One of the most common challenges when working with resin is the formation of bubbles during the mixing and pouring process. These bubbles can become trapped within the cured resin, detracting from the smooth, glossy finish you're aiming for.

To minimize the occurrence of bubbles, there are a few techniques you can employ:

  1. Gently tap or vibrate the mixing container against your work surface to help release any trapped air pockets.

  2. Use a heat gun or lighter to carefully pass over the surface of the poured resin, popping any bubbles that rise to the top.

  3. Consider investing in a pressure pot or vacuum chamber, which can effectively remove bubbles from the resin before it cures.

Read my blog on removing bubbles for more techniques

Proper Curing

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Once you've mixed and poured your resin, it's essential to allow it to cure properly. The curing time can vary significantly depending on the type of resin you're using, as well as factors such as temperature and humidity.

Always follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding curing times and conditions. Some resins may require specific temperature ranges or humidity levels to cure correctly. Avoid disturbing or moving the piece during the curing process, as this can introduce new bubbles or imperfections.

If you're working on a project that requires multiple layers of resin, be sure to follow the recommended waiting times between pour coats to ensure proper adhesion and curing.

Safety Considerations

image of a pavement with the word caution spray painted onto it

While resin can be a fantastic medium for creating beautiful artwork, it's essential to prioritize safety throughout the entire process. Resins and hardeners can be toxic if ingested or exposed to skin and eyes, so it's crucial to take the necessary precautions.

Always work in a well-ventilated area and wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves, safety glasses, and a respirator or mask if recommended. Avoid eating, drinking, or smoking while working with resin, and wash your hands thoroughly after handling the materials.

Properly dispose of any unused or cured resin according to local regulations to prevent environmental contamination.

Read my blog on safety

Watch my video on resin safety

Embracing Experimentation

One of the most exciting aspects of working with resin is the opportunity for experimentation and creativity. Don't be afraid to try new techniques, experiment with different colours and additives, or explore unique pouring methods.

Keep a journal or notebook handy to document your process, noting any successes or challenges you encounter along the way. This will not only help you refine your skills but also serve as a valuable reference for future projects.


Mastering the art of mixing resin takes practice, patience, and a willingness to learn from your experiences. By following the best practices outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to creating stunning, flawless resin artwork that showcases your creativity and attention to detail.

Remember, the key to success lies in understanding the properties of your chosen resin, meticulously measuring and mixing the components, and embracing a spirit of experimentation. With time and dedication, you'll develop a keen eye for achieving the perfect blend, unlocking a world of endless artistic possibilities.

My YouTube videos covering this topic

The Best Method To Mix Resin to Avoid Bubbles

Mixing Sand and Salt with Mica in a Resin Casting

Steve McDonald

Steve is a lifelong crafter, artist and entrepreneur. He has over 20 years experience of teaching equality, diversity and inclusion as well as small business management at a UK university.

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